Fun Kids Math - Guess If You Can

What to do:

fun math 1) Let your child think of a number between a stated range of numbers while you try to guess the number by asking questions. Here is a sample conversation:

Child: I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100.
Parent: Is it more than 50?
Child: No.
Parent: Is it an even number?
Child: No.
Parent: Is it more than 20 but less than 40?
Child: Yes.
Parent: Can you reach it by starting at zero and counting by 3's?
Child: Yes.
(At this stage, your child could be thinking of 21, 27, 33, or 39.)

2) Figure out the answers to your own questions.

3) After you have guessed your child's number, let your child guess a number from you by asking similar questions.

Parent Tip:

It is important to help children develop an understanding of the characteristics and meanings of numbers.

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